Bakerail Services are fully committed to achieving the highest standards of Health and Safety

Health & Safety Policy

Bakerail Services Limited  are fully committed to achieving the highest standards of Health and Safety believing that their most valuable assets are their employees, contractors and clients and It is without prejudice that Bakerail Services aims to reduce the risks to these groups.

Bakerail Services is fully aware of its obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other laws and acts pertaining to its business, and is committed to meeting those obligations. The successful management of health and safety is a key objective throughout the company and this Policy details the standards expected of employees and contractors in maintaining a responsible attitude with regard to the well being of themselves and others.

Hazards associated with all work activities will be identified,   the risk of harm either eliminated or minimised, so far as is reasonably practicable, through a process of assessment, control, instruction, training and supervision to ensure that Bakerail services meets its obligations to provide safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work.

Bakerail Services supports the concept of consultation with its staff on health and safety matters including the defined reporting and emergency procedures.  All staff are aware of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), the provision of Information, instruction, resources, training and supervision are key to effective safety management within the organisation. To help the company fulfil this requirement it will engage the services of competent health and safety advice specific to the nature of its business operations.

The Managing Director will take ownership and implement the company’s health and safety policy and recommend where changes are required to meet business and legislative requirements.

To maintain the commitment made by Bakerail Services, the company will continually measure, monitor, revise and record where necessary, the performance of the company to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable health and safety standards are maintained.

The Managing Director has overall responsibility and accountability for all Health and Safety matters within the Company. The Management Systems Co-ordinator reports to the Managing Director and has responsibility for implementing and communicating this policy within the organisation.

This Policy will be distributed to all staff and reviewed on an annual basis.

Working responsibly

  • Always be sure the required plans and permits are in place, before you start a job or go on or near the line.

  • Always use equipment that is fit for its intended purpose.

  • Never undertake any job unless you have been trained and assessed as competent.

  • Never work or drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


  • Never use a hand-held or hands-free phone, or programme any other mobile device, while driving.

  • Always obey the speed limit and wear a seat belt.

Working with electricity

  • Always test before applying earths or straps.

  • Never assume equipment is isolated – always test before touch.

Working at height

  • Always use a safety harness when working at height, unless other protection is in place.

Working with moving equipment

  • Never enter the agreed exclusion zone, unless directed to by the person in charge.